Updated T&C and SLA Revamp: Faster Responses Guaranteed

Summary of the most important updates to our Terms and Conditions
- Enhanced Data Privacy: We've revised our Privacy Policy to be clearer about how we process your data. Now, our terms more accurately reflect the timing of such processes and our role.
- Creative Commons Licensing: To facilitate the use of images, we are adopting the CC-BY-SA 4.0 license for our own content we provide for you, which allows for commercial use. This is particularly beneficial for clients who rely on extensive use of user-generated content.
- Compliance with GDPR and DSA: We've updated our processor agreements in line with Article 28.3 of the GDPR and adapted our terms to align with Article 14 of the Digital Services Act (DSA), ensuring that we remain at the forefront of user data protection and regulatory compliance.
- As part of our commitment to user privacy and data protection, no photos younger than six months will be displayed back to anyone before anonymization.
These updates are designed to not only comply with the latest European regulations but to also enhance your user experience and safeguard your data. We invite you to review the updated Terms and Conditions to familiarize yourself with the changes which will be effective from July 1st 2024.
Current (soon to be deprecated) T&C is availble here.
Service level agreement updates
Old SLA guaranteed the identification finished in 10 seconds per each photo within the request. Since our backend got almost twice as much faster last year, we lowered the guarantee to only 3 seconds in the new SLA. Our identification time is on average under 0.5 second (without accounting to the transaction delay).
Current (soon to be deprecated) SLA is availble here.
More on identification performace is available in FAQ section including some new guidance on reusing sessions.